
Two knowledge of the phone, get clear!

  Learn about everyday common sense on the phone, for users to better use the phone, but helpful. So here we come together to learn about the two phone knowledge, beating so that we knew!
  Two knowledge of the phone, get clear!
  1, the phone warms normal?
  As the smart phone charging, a long call, the next game, play movies, etc., the current is relatively large, leading to body heat, is a normal phenomenon.
  2, mobile water how to do?
  After the mobile water, first turn off the power to do is, of course, do not press the off button, but removed the battery. Because a press the OFF button, the phone will power work, probably a short circuit, causing damage to the phone’s internal parts, and then the first time to be repaired. If the phone’s warranty period has expired, do not want to be repaired, you can boldly open the phone! The mobile phone parts clean with a tissue, and then with a hair dryer blowing a few minutes to ensure that all internal parts are dry, and then air-dried should phone a few days, try to re-boot.

  Well, these two smartphones common sense is not very practical? If you want to know more about mobile phones is common sense, welcome attention, collection, forwarding my blog!

