
The iphone four daily maintenance methods of the battery

  Battery as one of the basic parts of the iphone, is also one of the most important part, it provides power for the iphone, but because of the iphone battery is not to unload, and life, therefore, for the iphone battery maintenance, it is very necessary.So how should the iphone's battery maintenance?Come to this, we will find out!
  The iphone four daily maintenance methods of the battery
  1, avoid charging while playing games, watching movies or call;
  2, avoid long time the phone call close to cheeks, try to use the phone headset;
  3, in the "Settings" - "iTunes Store and the App Store", close the App automatically download, automatic update feature;
  4, avoid long time use of energy-intensive App;

  Well, these four kinds of methods for iphone battery maintenance is very practical, users might as well do it!
iphone battery

