
Mobile phone battery conservation pay attention to eight considerations

  Battery, as mobile phone parts is an important part in everyday life, we have to conserve every user but do well. Especially for such a battery can not be uninstalled like iphone smart phone, mobile phone batteries to protect more get the job. Then the phone battery how to conserve it? Here we talk together!
  Mobile phone battery conservation pay attention to eight considerations
  First, please use the original charging plug
  As electrical products, we recommend the original production of the plug, because it is to your mobile phone research and development; and, security is also guaranteed. Because the poor charger lead to an explosion, wounding things too numerous to mention.
  Second, charging cable you choose for it
  Charging cable is the same reason, the best selection of original charging cable, if it is big companies charging line better, otherwise there will be a big security risk!
  Third, the first charge should not be too long
  The first charge did not have full 12 hours, and now the battery is basically a lithium polymer battery, the first charge only need to charge as usual, like it!
  Fourth, make sure that the temperature when charging
  At low temperatures, low temperature protection lithium battery will lead to chemical reactions that occur in the material, and therefore can not be charged or slow down the charging rate, while at high temperatures, lithium batteries will be unstable and may explode!
  Fifth, the charging times
  There is a saying: Every cell phone batteries have a fixed number of charges, if charged too many times, will accelerate the aging batteries degree of strain! In fact, this is wrong, lithium battery charging times refer to the full charge and discharge, so with the use charge is the best.
  Sixth, while charging while playing
  It is best not to do so, while charging while playing mobile phone, if unexpected problems arise, it can be fatal!
  Seven, overcharging
  After charging is not timely unplug the power, let the battery fully charged state has been maintained, this will accelerate the rate of depletion of the battery, charging at night before going to bed a lot of people like, so continue charging will damage the battery!
  Eight, with no cover charge
  You know, the lithium battery is afraid of the heat, it will heat up when charging, so for those who like to phone a friend Daitao, the best remove the rechargeable mobile phone sets.
  Well, these are the phone battery conservation eight-point proposal, in everyday life, but the consumer is much more attention to the job.

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