
Android mobile phone users should pay attention Brush eight aspects, take a look!

  Many use the Android mobile phone users prefer to own a mobile phone brush machine, because the brush can change the phone number of the original settings, including the system, interface, and so, while addressing some of the baffling problem of the phone, but will not damage your phone parts . Then brush machine appears to be very beautiful, but there are certain risks. Brush improper manner may cause unnecessary trouble, for example, can not boot, boot crash, such as the failure function. So Brush is a very serious matter, therefore, users must pay some attention Brush!
  Android mobile phone users should pay attention Brush eight aspects, take a look!
  1, holding more than half the electricity
  Brush before you put the phone battery charged, it is best to keep the phone more than 50% of electricity, primarily to prevent the phone Brush during low battery, resulting in automatic shutdown failed to brush machine. This is very important, remember!
  2, select the regular channels Brush
  Currently, Brush tutorial online quality varies greatly, even a lot of the incorporation of mobile phone viruses. The best choice for professional security software or patches on the official security package based resources, not to mess forum, or just to find a mobile phone repair shop Brush.
  3, file locations, not wrong
  4 brush machine location of the file or not to file three misplaced.
  4, using high-quality USB cable
  Common data lines can not brush machine, the data line must remain stable, if the data lines are issues that might affect brush. Note that after the progress bar appears, not to move the phone and data lines, data lines to avoid disconnection, Brush interrupted.
  5, brush the same serial number version
  Recommendations on the basis of their own cell phone on the original, unchanged serial number brush version if this version will change the serial number, or do not brush, otherwise a problem to find a sale can not be resolved (serial number, IMEI number is, dial-up interface input * # 06 # to query).
  6, complete brush Brush Pack
  Brush commonly used software is RSD and Flashback.
  7, in strict accordance with the instructions
  Brush before, be sure to read the Brush package description, and content brush machine, and precautions, the order must not be changed, such as mobile phones and sometimes need to brush into four files, you need to optimistic filenames, in that order, an error will be cause the entire fails sequelae.
  8, ahead of mobile phone backup
  Cell phones have saved a lot of private information, such as photos, contacts, accounts, chat records, the former Brush must do a backup, a variety of data formats in the phone, and then paint the machine, in order to avoid disclosure of personal privacy.

  Well, eight more than it is when the user should pay attention to the phone brush machine, for which users do not not pay attention!
Android mobile phone

