
Hurt the mobile phone battery life of nine kinds of behavior, have you made it?

  Now a growing number of mobile phone battery does not support downloadable, therefore, for a mobile phone battery conservation becomes increasingly important. So in life, some of the user charging the wrong behavior, mobile phone battery will bring great harm. Therefore, to extend mobile phone battery life, you have to change from charging the wrong behavior to start. So let’s take a look at what the phone battery charging behavior hurt a lot?
  Hurt the mobile phone battery life of nine kinds of behavior, have you made it?
  1, the charging wearing Phone Case
  To protect the love machine, many people choose to wear the phone phone shell, but we do not know the lithium battery is afraid of heat, in particular, it will generate a lot of heat while charging, so it is best to take off charging mobile phone sets, mobile phone or try to choose light shell!
  2, not the original charge
  To charge the phone try to use the original plug, first, the original plug is specially developed for your phone, charging speed is guaranteed. Second, security is guaranteed, because the poor quality of the charger lead to an explosion, wounding things too numerous to mention, can not prevent it!
  3, overcharge
  After full does not pull the plug, makes the phone has remained fully charged, the phone will accelerate the loss of speed, if you move with as little bedtime habits charging, this will continue to damage the battery da! Pay attention to Oh! The phone is a human good pots friends, I believe you usually also more care of your cell phone! However, the thing you made? When you charge the phone daily, it has hurt the phone! Come and see if you caught it?
  4, while charging while playing mobile phone
  Kazakhstan is best not to play phone play while charging, not only makes the phone fever intensifies, now mobile phone explosion or leakage wounding because of poor mobile phone charger and lead, so please cherish life, refused to charge!
  5, the new mobile phone need to activate?
  Some say the new phone needs electricity to run out of charge, which is to activate the battery? Stop it, are now lithium batteries, do not activate!
  6, charging times
  Legend has a fixed battery charging times, too many times, it will accelerate battery consumption. Small shift to say, you think Chi Kung fan day can only be used three times! This is wrong drops, the number refers to the rechargeable lithium battery charge and discharge completely, so no electricity rushed, a little headstrong okay!
  7. Make sure the temperature when charging
  At low temperatures, low temperatures will cause the lithium battery protection mechanism slows down charging, or the battery does not work, but at high temperatures, lithium batteries will be unstable, or even cause an explosion, so the summer do not put the phone in the car and other high temperature environment!
  8, the first charge time not too long
  The first charge do not need to be filled with 12 hours, this is the old-fashioned way of charging the battery, the battery is basically now or lithium polymer battery, the first charge only charge the same as usual it.
  9, charging cable to choose the
  Charging cable is the same reason, the best choice original, at least use the big brands charging cable, otherwise there will be a security risk.

  Over the nine behavior is undoubtedly the phone battery is very hurt, for the user, if they have a similar behavior, so please timely correct!
mobile phone battery

