
Iphone common resolve three major fault

  iphone quality can be said to be impeccable, which uses the highest quality of mobile phone parts, best craftsmanship, best design, as well as running the best software. However, the use of the process, there will be some small problems, small disorder that affects the user's experience. Thus, for the three types of iphone users most frequently encountered fault, we take a look at how to solve?
  Iphone common resolve three major fault
  1, APP Store can not download the application solution
  Open the App Store display incomplete or blank? This situation can try to sign Apple ID. He said time-tested.
  Operation is simple, turn into the set -iTunes Store and App Store- then choose their own Apple ID, you can log in again after logout.
  2, WiFi Internet access but can not display properly or not connected
  When this happens, you can try to enter the Settings - General - Restore - Restore the network settings - to confirm and then reconnect to the WiFi.
  3, browsing flash back problem
  As in this case, fruit powder can enter the settings -Safari- then click "Clear History and Website Data" can be.

  Well, these three fault must have a user in the use of the most commonly encountered during iphone it! Then the future in the course of further similar phenomenon, believe they know how to solve.

