
iPhone call failure can not call the five practical solutions

  iPhone call failure can not call this phenomenon, the phenomenon is believed that many users in the use of iphone frequently encountered. For solving this phenomenon is very simple, here to teach you how to solve the user?
  iPhone call failure can not call the five practical solutions
  Method One: Carrier Signal Processing
  Analysis: In the basement or some remote place, etc. because of poor signal will cause the call to fail, just another signal stability somewhere like redial.
  Method Two: shutdown restart processing equipment
  Resolution: Try the phone off and then start the process.
  Method three: SIM phone card reload process
  Resolution: Try the SIM card out of the phone, reinstall it again.
  Method four: Restore the mobile phone network setting process
  Resolution: Setting "universal" Restore "to restore the network settings.
  Method five: Replace the SIM card phone
  Resolution: Try replacing a different phone SIM card (if the replacement can solve the problem, that is the mobile phone SIM card before you have problems)

  If the user tried more than five methods, still can not solve this problem, then it may be a faulty iphone parts. This time, it is recommended that you go to Apple after-sales center detection process.
SIM phone card

