
How have you come to the correct charging iphone 6?

  iphone 6 battery can not be unloaded, and there is life, therefore, normal care for iphone 6 cell, it is very necessary. And you want to correct battery care iphone 6, iphone 6 would be from the right to start charging. Here we get to know about:
  How have you come to the correct charging iphone 6? Seven Ways to iphone 6 properly charged:
  1, the first electrical impulse does not have to charge 12 hours, full on the line. Now smart devices are used in a polymer battery, no memory effect, not the N years ago newly purchased electronic equipment needs "full release three" age. Therefore, it can be filled.
  2, can be charged at any charge. That is, I always say, the best way is to maintain the battery can be charged at any time.
  3, preferably with a full month of discharge and charging process. That is, from the red power to full power.
  4, although the iPhone about mobile phone protection function, but does not recommend charging for a long time, such as the overnight charge.
  5, in addition to the charge and discharge once a month, usually try not to use the battery to 20% or less.
  6, not while playing a mobile phone while charging, this will only increase the temperature of the battery, reducing battery life.
  7, minimize the use of charging treasure, especially the poor charging treasure!
  Well, that's what gave us the right to charge for iphone 6, it quickly follow suit.

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iphone 6 battery

