
Smartphones four most practical innovation function, your mobile phone have?

  Smartphone is developing rapidly, various high-tech emerge in endlessly, for our life and work provides great convenience.So there are so many smartphone innovation function, innovation is our most useful?Himself was summarized below 4 points in the most practical innovation function, everyone take a look at me, right!
  Smartphones four most practical innovation function, your mobile phone have?
  Top 1, fingerprint identification
  The birth of the fingerprint identification technology, makes the security of the mobile phone to a new height.Since the iphone 5 s application of fingerprint identification so far all flagship model, almost all equipped with the technology, at the same time, the fingerprint recognition application is becoming more and more widely, such as pay, to the software lock and so on.
  Top 2, wireless quick charge technology
  Different from traditional way of charging the mobile phone, wireless the birth of quick charge technology not only makes mobile phones can cast off the yoke of the charging line, also can realize the quick charge in a relatively short period of time.Currently, more and more Android flagship model has also started to pick up this technology in the mobile phone, relative to the IOS, this is one of the advantages of the Android system.
  Top 3, high clearly the size of the screen
  Relative to the above two functions, high-definition screen experience more intuitive, under the lead of samsung, makes the big screen mobile phone in popularity in recent years, and even affected the mighty apple, it has been proved that the phone's screen size adjusted iphone success after launch.With the development of the 4 k screen and VR, the future smart phones will bring more rich experience for users.
  The Top four, high megapixel camera
  As iterative upgrade hardware and system algorithm optimization, today's smartphones photo function is very powerful, such as optical image stabilization, shooting, double flash light etc, to a certain extent, smartphone really replaced the SLR cameras, take everyday go out shopping, must have a lot of users are more willing to use camera phones directly.

  Believe that the most intelligent mobile phone already have these new features, our life and work also must follow.

