
iphone 6s necessary for the user to know the eight 3D Touch operating skills

  Iphone 6s being used for the user, the next phase will be built-in 3D Touch iphone lcd screen function is not familiar with the many features will not be used, which wasted no doubt Apple's sincerity. You know, 3D Touch this feature, but very powerful, is a black technology. Learn to use it, they will give their lives to bring great convenience. Then the following will give you a few tips on 3D Touch to use, take a look at look at it.
  iphone 6s necessary for the user to know the eight 3D Touch operating skills
  1. The most common contact
  Phone App strong open as shown by strong menu, you can see the first three contacts common contact list, you can edit a favorite contact to make this quick contact menu become a good helper.
  2. Rapid Self
  Strong press the camera icon to open the strong press menu, select "Self", it will directly open the front lens.
  3. The home destination inquiry
  App icon on the map by a strong menu select "home line", can directly open the map App Find routes to ensure that you can accurately home.
  4. Email Preview
  In the e-mail App strong press (Peek) to preview any message, without directly open, strong among the press and then (Pop) can open mail directly.
  5. View post group members
  Use iMessage users can see a list of group members in the list of posts by post App strong image.
  6. The keyboard can also control the "Index"
  Strong preset by iOS virtual keyboard when typing, the keyboard will disappear, then continue to press hard real screen, move your finger, the text index will move accordingly.
  7. Update all applications
  In App Store Strong press menu click "Update All", you can open the App Store for Free updates for all applications, pay attention to the updated application is limited to countries where the App Store is also available.
  8. Browse Live Photos
  Unlike the iPhone SE, the iPhone 6s, just use 3D Touch of Peek and Pop in real photographed Live Photos, you can view Live Photos 1 second, "the movie."

  Above this 8 is about 3D Touch features a small utility for users who wish to try in daily life, I believe will give their lives to bring great convenience, so that their own love of a function !

