
Mobile phone fever in summer how to solve?

  Mobile fever was only natural that this phenomenon usually have no what, but the summer to frequent this kind of phenomenon, is to let the user is very hard to accept.After all, it's hot in summer, if the phone frequent fever again, his hand is holding a mobile stove.Mobile phones so for summer fever this kind of phenomenon, it is necessary to solve it.Mobile phone then summer fever how to solve?Let's come together to talk about:
  Six practical solution to mobile phone fever in summer
  1, try to shut down the background resident program:
  The reason for this is very critical, the CPU to process more information of course can't idle.The basic cause of the power consumption is heat dissipation.
  2, separate place safety
  Hold on his hands and on the pocket will be mutual heat transfer, especially in the summer.Try to put the bag.Also some friends will hang the phone in your chest, it is very safe, even fire can also be pulled away the first time.
  3, try not to use the following
  Plastic following, especially those who cover up poor heat dissipation, do not say, high temperature resistance.Once the mobile phone will become soft, hot easy to scald hands.Some also contain harmful chemicals, easy to cause permanent damage.
  4, physical cooling
  Indoor environment in summer when the temperature is very high, as far as possible place the phone where there is air conditioning or a fan, let hot phone also cool for a while.
  5, had better not use when charging
  Cell phone for a long time, playing games or watching video, easily lead to voltage instability, so as to produce more heat, long term will be the life of the loss of TV, in some conditions, especially when the environment temperature in summer is higher, while filling play can lead to cell phone special hot, easy to increase the risk of battery explosion.
  6, reduce the frequency of use
  Summer, and because of the high environmental temperature, mobile phone parts inside temperature, easy to cause the mobile operation efficiency to reduce.In addition, the lithium battery temperature rise every 10 degrees, twice will improve chemical reaction speed, will cause the battery faster, enabling is becoming more and more hot.Therefore, shut off the mobile phone is a very useful method.To be both safe and environmentally friendly.

  Now, more than 6 is very useful way to solve the phone fever in summer, for users, can according to do it, believe that will see a very significant effect.
mobile phone parts

