
do you know? An iphone, a third of parts from Japan

  As we know, Apple iphone is only responsible for the design, while iphone parts from around the world by the suppliers, and the assembly process are sent to the iphone Foxconn and processing plants as well as Master of Science and Technology completed. Rather, every iPhone, need to go through at least one complete trip around the world. Well, you know iPhone supplier of Origin which has its share of how it?
  According to the latest survey report shows that as the main supplier of the world's largest mobile phone market in China is not the iPhone, and even speaking in mainland China among many suppliers of supply chain vendors to occupy only a small part.
  do you know? An iphone, a third of parts from Japan
  We know are often suppliers from Japan, especially from the iPhone suppliers Origin of survey, it is verified that Japan is well-deserved "first iPhone supplier" argument, because the data from the survey, Japanese suppliers accounted for 32.7 percent. In other words, this means that nearly a third of iPhone parts are from Japanese companies, such as flash memory supplier Toshiba, Sharp screen suppliers. In second is the US headquarters of Apple, its suppliers accounted for 28.5%, we have more familiar with Texas Instruments and Qualcomm.

  Mainland China accounted for a large share of the "assembly plant proportion." According to Apple in April this year, released an official report, Apple's assembly plant a total of 18, including 14 in China, two in the United States, one is located in South America and one in Europe. However, with the rise in labor costs in mainland China, Foxconn Recently there are a lot of news that the iPhone is considering moving production to Southeast Asia or is India.
iphone parts

