
About two smartphone misunderstanding, you have to know!

  But smart phones around us too familiar tool. For it, we often use, there are some errors. Here we take a summary look at the two most common misunderstanding about the use of smart phones:
  About two smartphone misunderstanding, you have to know!
  Myth # 1: The larger the memory on the system more smoothly
  Now Android phone memory has been popular as 3GB, 4GB and is very common, and even some flagship models have reached such terror 6GB capacity. For the smooth operation of the Andrew system, the large memory does have a role, provided that the user wants to open a lot of software occupies the memory, but most users will not so much open software, so the extra memory is wasted. Currently Apple smartphone maximum configuration --iPhone 6 Plus memory only 2GB, but its performance still exceeded the Android flagship, the reason Apple iOS and Android systems underlying protocol caused by different system, so that is not He said the phone's memory the better, although it will certainly help, but ultimately play a decisive role or system.
  Myth 2: The battery capacity the better
  Although the relationship between the capacity of mobile phone batteries and cell phone battery life is not small, but not as many people think so much. The mobile phone is equipped with a universal 3000mAh rechargeable lithium battery, but the screen is bigger and bigger, more powerful processors, so more and more power in the battery technology is not a revolutionary change in the situation by phone volume and safety constraints, can not be placed in a larger capacity battery. The larger battery capacity represents the longer charging time and a substantial increase in unsafe sex ratio of itself is unsafe. I believe on the cell phone battery explosion news, we have heard it.

  Well, that's about the two most common misconceptions smartphone introduced, I believe we all know the answer now.
iPhone 6 Plus memory

do you know? The phone will affect the quality of sleep

  For playing phone a friend, if you poor quality of sleep, the phone may be affected. For this view is not very novelty of it? However, the fact is the case. So why mobile phones can affect the quality of sleep people do?
  This is because the current phones with an LCD screen, but the most important feature of the LCD screen is a large amount of blue light wavelength, while the Blu-ray will affect human melatonin formation. Melatonin secretion is essential to improve the quality of sleep. So use the phone at night, will affect the normal secretion of melatonin, leading to miss the best time to sleep, circadian clock is disrupted. Moreover, melatonin inhibition of diabetes, obesity and other diseases also have a major role.
  So Rethinking Ends phones affect sleep quality reasons, we how to avoid such a situation?
  Users are advised bedtime, minimize the use of mobile phones and other digital devices, this is the best solution. If you use it, you can put the phone screen and browser is set to night mode, the LCD screen will be turned on to reduce blue-green tone output, the output of more red and yellow light, the melatonin produced a positive impact. You may also be appropriate to reduce the screen brightness, reduce the impact on melatonin.

  Well, that's on the phone to answer the reasons will affect the quality of sleep and solutions. If you want to know more about mobile phones is interesting knowledge, welcome attention YDT-PARTS, a leading mobile phone parts online wholesale store.
LCD screen


Why recommend the user to change the LCD screen iphone?

  For many users who use the iphone, because of living in their own careless, leading iphone fell to the ground, and broke the screen. As in this case, there are often many users choose to go to the Apple aftermarket for the screen, or to the maintenance shop to change phone screen, but it will make a small fortune to pay their own expenses.
  In fact, in addition to these two methods, I personally recommend the user can choose to change the LCD screen, especially for relatively strong ability of users, should give it a try. Why recommend the user to change the LCD screen iphone it?
  This is because the change yourself iphone LCD screen, you can save a lot of money. Online buy a iphone lcd screen, and in accordance with the relevant video tutorial to do, you can in the shortest possible time, the least money, easy to get.
  It can be said to change yourself iphone LCD screen is undoubtedly their most advantageous a solution.

  Of course, if your own ability is not strong, fear that they will be problems for the screen, it is recommended to go to Apple after-sales center, or a cell phone repair shop to change the screen it.
iphone lcd screen


do you know? An iphone, a third of parts from Japan

  As we know, Apple iphone is only responsible for the design, while iphone parts from around the world by the suppliers, and the assembly process are sent to the iphone Foxconn and processing plants as well as Master of Science and Technology completed. Rather, every iPhone, need to go through at least one complete trip around the world. Well, you know iPhone supplier of Origin which has its share of how it?
  According to the latest survey report shows that as the main supplier of the world's largest mobile phone market in China is not the iPhone, and even speaking in mainland China among many suppliers of supply chain vendors to occupy only a small part.
  do you know? An iphone, a third of parts from Japan
  We know are often suppliers from Japan, especially from the iPhone suppliers Origin of survey, it is verified that Japan is well-deserved "first iPhone supplier" argument, because the data from the survey, Japanese suppliers accounted for 32.7 percent. In other words, this means that nearly a third of iPhone parts are from Japanese companies, such as flash memory supplier Toshiba, Sharp screen suppliers. In second is the US headquarters of Apple, its suppliers accounted for 28.5%, we have more familiar with Texas Instruments and Qualcomm.

  Mainland China accounted for a large share of the "assembly plant proportion." According to Apple in April this year, released an official report, Apple's assembly plant a total of 18, including 14 in China, two in the United States, one is located in South America and one in Europe. However, with the rise in labor costs in mainland China, Foxconn Recently there are a lot of news that the iPhone is considering moving production to Southeast Asia or is India.
iphone parts


Buy high quality iphone lcd screen Why is this important?

  Many iphone users screen broken, they often choose to buy online iphone lcd screen, the screen to change themselves, because it can save a lot of costs. However, here, to remind the user at the time of purchase of the screen, be sure to choose high quality iphone lcd screen for the job, so as to avoid your iphone other problems.
  Buy high quality iphone lcd screen Why is this important?
  1, high quality iphone lcd screen on the screen color performance, more natural, clearer, playing a long time, damage to the eyes will be smaller.
  2, high-quality iphone lcd screen quality and security, longer life, not to spend more money in vain.
  3, high-quality iphone lcd screen with more scratch-wear effect, which is of poor quality LCD screen unattainable.
  4, high-quality iphone lcd screen more energy efficient, avoid the use of poor quality LCD screen, which led iphone life is short, quick consumption.

  These are summarized in four major advantages of high quality iphone lcd screen, for users, in the purchase, be sure to pay attention to. Do not covet cheap, buy low-quality LCD screen.
iphone lcd screen


How have you come to samsung s7 edge to replace the battery?

  For cell phone batteries have a problem, need to replace the user, to the repair shop to replace the battery, it is undoubtedly very expensive, not worth. Thus, for some relatively strong ability for users who often choose to buy online mobile phone parts, to change yourself, so you can save a lot of money. However, when replacing their own cell phones, must be in strict accordance with relevant tutorials to do the job. Avoid because they do not accidentally removed the wrong hands, resulting in the entire mobile phone scrap occurrence of this phenomenon.
  Then the following Samsung's S7 edge to it, to teach you how to replace the battery? !
  In fact, Samsung S7 edge of the replacement battery is not difficult, as long as ready for some basic disassemble tool like, for example: pry chip, pry bars, razor blades, hot air gun, screwdriver, double sided tape and cards. Dismantling S7 edge of the back cover is the way to use a heat gun is heated slowly along the edge of the adhesive can be used after softening scratch card inserted and viscose.
  After successfully removed the back cover, remove the body screw is removed wireless charging device and a speaker, and then pry the battery is up. Disassemble the whole process really no difficulty, but the problem is that the cover is installed back last time, due to the need to re-glue, so certainly not original handled so perfect, after all S7 edge is IP68 rated waterproof, so even if you have a strong ability in dealing with the back cover of adhesions, you may still have to find a solution. If you just stick back, afraid to lose S7 edge feature waterproof and dustproof.

  Well, that's to teach you to replace the battery samsung s7 edge of the steps and methods. For the friends interested in this area, you can follow to try! If the ability is not strong, recommendations or choose to go to the repair shop to replace the battery!
cell phone batteries


iphone Why so expensive?

  Speaking of the reasons for your iphone, can be described as different opinions, generalize it to, basically there are six points following to recap, I see I was right!
  1, using the best quality of mobile phone parts, we know, iphone parts suppliers are the world's top, which guarantees high quality iphone parts.
  2, the perfect industrial design, Apple's design can be said to be very delicate, bright spots.
  3, smooth and easy to use system, which is currently the Android phones can not match.
  4, details of the pursuit of the ultimate work. You know, iphone appearance not only very beautiful, the internal work is also very perfect, I believe that the dismantling of internal ago iphone photo friends have to understand.
  5, the ultimate service. For users iphone problems, iphone may be the first time the official after-sales assistance.
  6, a strong hedge against inflation. iphone super hedge, any one believe that the current Android phones can not do.

  This ensures that more than 6:00 iphone users can provide an unparalleled experience, ensuring iphone high prices. Am I wrong?


Mobile phone fever in summer how to solve?

  Mobile fever was only natural that this phenomenon usually have no what, but the summer to frequent this kind of phenomenon, is to let the user is very hard to accept.After all, it's hot in summer, if the phone frequent fever again, his hand is holding a mobile stove.Mobile phones so for summer fever this kind of phenomenon, it is necessary to solve it.Mobile phone then summer fever how to solve?Let's come together to talk about:
  Six practical solution to mobile phone fever in summer
  1, try to shut down the background resident program:
  The reason for this is very critical, the CPU to process more information of course can't idle.The basic cause of the power consumption is heat dissipation.
  2, separate place safety
  Hold on his hands and on the pocket will be mutual heat transfer, especially in the summer.Try to put the bag.Also some friends will hang the phone in your chest, it is very safe, even fire can also be pulled away the first time.
  3, try not to use the following
  Plastic following, especially those who cover up poor heat dissipation, do not say, high temperature resistance.Once the mobile phone will become soft, hot easy to scald hands.Some also contain harmful chemicals, easy to cause permanent damage.
  4, physical cooling
  Indoor environment in summer when the temperature is very high, as far as possible place the phone where there is air conditioning or a fan, let hot phone also cool for a while.
  5, had better not use when charging
  Cell phone for a long time, playing games or watching video, easily lead to voltage instability, so as to produce more heat, long term will be the life of the loss of TV, in some conditions, especially when the environment temperature in summer is higher, while filling play can lead to cell phone special hot, easy to increase the risk of battery explosion.
  6, reduce the frequency of use
  Summer, and because of the high environmental temperature, mobile phone parts inside temperature, easy to cause the mobile operation efficiency to reduce.In addition, the lithium battery temperature rise every 10 degrees, twice will improve chemical reaction speed, will cause the battery faster, enabling is becoming more and more hot.Therefore, shut off the mobile phone is a very useful method.To be both safe and environmentally friendly.

  Now, more than 6 is very useful way to solve the phone fever in summer, for users, can according to do it, believe that will see a very significant effect.
mobile phone parts


Practical way to solve the mobile water: rice quick-drying method

  For phone accidentally influent friends, do not worry, you can try the rice and quick method to solve the problem mobile water, the effect is still very good. Here we come to the specific chat:
  Practical way to solve the mobile water: rice quick-drying method - This method is the use of highly absorbent rice this principle - the phone buried in rice inside a 24-hour drying effect is roughly equivalent to 72 hours on the air .
  Remove accidental drowning of the mobile phone, fished from the water, with a tissue phone jack and the look clean. Remember, this time must not be forced to boot, it will easily break internal mobile phone parts, severe cases can occur explosion.
  For a class of iPhone battery not dismantling, it directly into the rice to wait for 24 hours; the other types of batteries will quickly pull out, and then the phone battery into the rice.
  Another point to note is to make the charging port and headphone jack treated water before being placed in the rice, and use tape to stick to these jacks and then into the rice.

  Well, wait 24 hours after their own power and see it, can generally be boot. At that time, if they turned not successful, then it is recommended to go professional after-sales service it.
mobile phone parts


To avoid damage to the phone screen, you have two ways to do this

  A cell phone as the most important part - the importance of cell phone screen self-evident, but it is also the entire machine in the hands of the easiest, but also the first to suffer. Since the replacement of mobile phone screen is more expensive, and therefore, as a precaution, in daily life should adopt appropriate measures to protect the phone screen and avoid the loss of the job losses. Following up on a learn to understand:
  To avoid damage to the phone screen, you have two ways to do this
  1, do not play with the phone in bed
  Now a lot of people like to lie in bed playing mobile phone (here estimated that many people silently lying gun, right), and later unknowingly fell asleep. The next day wake up and regret - the phone "quietly" lying on the ground has been broken screen. So when you're about to fall asleep, or to phone on the bedside cabinet, after sleeping or out of reach.
  2, mobile phones and other metal tool together
  Presumably every weekend, we all went out to play, will habitually cell phone, wallet, keys or something put together.
  Over time, you will find the phone screen the addition of a few scratches, really distressed - "key and hard, and the place and the attention." It is important to say is that, compared to metal, keys, sand more destructive, so if you go out to a picnic or go to the beach to play, can not remember the phone on or covered with sand trouser pocket, otherwise the sand will severe scratching your body or screen.
  3, regular cleaning routine screen
  Daily use, it will be exposed to a large amount of oil, sweat and so on. We should be the first time to the cleaning process. Long past, will not only affect the appearance of the phone, but also allowed the touch screen.
  4, the magnetic field is the natural enemy of the phone
  Now almost all the mobile phone screen as "capacitive screen" the. It is an interesting little experiment: a magnet placed on the capacitive screen, the screen will be transient failure, severe may cause permanent damage to the screen. Therefore, we should try to avoid as mobile phones and audio or TV close contact with magnetic objects.

  Well, do it 4:00 on can greatly reduce the chances of broken phone screen, for mobile phone users who love, make a wish to follow suit.
cell phone screen


do you know? iphone battery for a limited period of Oh!

  For many iphone users, there is an understanding that that the iphone mobile phone battery is no time limit, you can always use. Actually not, iphone battery, iphone and other parts are also of limited duration, just like people, not permanent.
  Well, since the iphone battery duration, then the deadline is how much? The user may not be able to give a definite answer. However, other aspects can be judged to discover.
  For example, you have found the phone is running out of power is not normal, it is necessary to check, such as 50% of the electricity suddenly no electricity situation.
  Alternatively, you can download third-party program to view your iphone battery life. Specifically what kind of software, you can Google it. I'm not here to point out, in order to avoid advertising suspects!

  Well, the topic of iphone battery life will stop here today. If you want to know more about iphone knowledge, so stay tuned, collecting my blog!
iphone battery

Learn four methods, you can easily leave scratches on the phone screen issue

  Phone as in our daily lives, the most commonly used tools. In the use of the process, because we are used improperly, resulting in cell phone screen from scratches case! You know, the phone screen scratches, affects not only the use of mobile phones in appearance, it will also affect the user experience. So in this case, how should we do it? How to solve the problem of mobile phone screen scratches it? YDT-parts below the official online editor come to share trick four major repair phone screen.
  Learn four methods, you can easily leave scratches on the phone screen issue
  1, body lotion Dafa: First, take a moistened wet wipes, lotion will squeeze a little on the wet paper towels, wet paper towels on the phone screen gently wipe repeatedly until the scratch will disappear.
  2, Dafa toothpaste: squeeze a small amount of toothpaste on a clean, soft cloth or cotton swab, and then turn the circle way gently wipe the phone screen scratches but not until the last can wipe with toilet paper.
  3, vegetable oil Dafa: scratches on the screen at a few drops of vegetable oil, then with a clean, soft cloth or tissue to gently wipe back and forth at the scratches on the screen until the scratch disappears. (Remember to use a paper towel to wipe the excess vegetable oil Oh ~)
  4, sandpaper Dafa: sandpaper suitable for the treatment of scratches edge of the screen, you must pay attention to the smallest number of selection sandpaper, or likely to hurt the screen, we use sandpaper to gently wipe hard, scratch once gone, will not need to rub .
  Well, that's for mobile phone screen scratches solutions, you may wish to try it yourself. Of course, the cell phone screen already broke my friends, you can only change the screen.

  So here you want to say something special, to be their own hands for the screen to be friends, if buy online mobile phone parts, you can go YDT-PARTS official website to take a look! Here, when it is to do a little promotion ads! Haha!
phone screen


3 Note conservation iphone lcd screen

  Although the iphone lcd screen covered with Gorilla Glass, very strong, what is normally not occur. However, for such an expensive phone like the iphone, or the need to conserve it properly screen job. Doing so, one can extend the use of time iphone lcd screen, while also indirectly save yourself money. So conservation iphone lcd screen how to do it? Here's a look!
  3 Note conservation iphone screen
  1. Periodically wipe the iphone lcd screen
  iphone lcd screen is very afraid of sweat, sweat conductive medium will make the touch screen appears abnormal, so once when exposed to the sweat on iphone lcd screen to be erased as soon as possible. In addition, there had been reported before, the phone screen surface has a lot of bacteria and oil, so you can regularly with alcohol to wipe the phone screen, oh.
  2, electrostatic and magnetic fields
  Although the touch screen is very hard and very wearable, but still possible breakdown electrostatic capacitive screen. Especially like to play basketball, volleyball friends playing in the rubber field, the body could be electrostatically Then pay attention to touch the earth and then pick up the phone. The magnet is placed on the surface of the screen for a long time, the screen will cause permanent failure, so try to avoid letting the phone with the speaker or other close contact with magnetic objects.
  3, high temperature
  When the phone screen surface temperature above 40 degrees, drift phenomena can occur, such a long period of high temperatures, will reduce the life of the capacitive screen. So scorching summer, should make their own iphone avoid exposure to the sun, play games after a certain time should be appropriately placed cooling.

  Well, these three approaches to protect iphone screen but helpful. For users who are using the iphone, then hurry to try it!
iphone lcd screen


Extend the life of the mobile phone 3 Maintenance

  For those of us consumers in the use of the phone, if you learn the proper care, we can greatly extend the life of the phone, this is a concrete manifestation save money. So how to care and be able to make it to extend the life of your phone? Here's to introduce three kinds of mobile phone to extend the service life of small ways, tips!
  Extend the life of the mobile phone 3 Maintenance
  1, regular cleaning stains phone lcd screen, maintain and clean the screen
  Phone with a long time, the phone lcd screen, crevice exposed to dirt, dust, bacteria and other things, over time, the screen is not easy to light, affect the reading experience, but also dirty, easy to breed bacteria, not good for our bodies.
  In this case, we need to do a clean, transparent plastic can be pasted on the phone about the gap using adsorption Sticky dust out, then you can choose a number of professional mobile phone cleaner, wipe the phone lcd screen will look to ensure that disinfection again . Of course, use of the process to be careful not to talk in front of the hole, into the liquid port broadcast, but with a soft cloth dipped in some carefully wipe.
  2, configure the appropriate phone shell
  Now work on your phone, the fuselage shell material with metal or plastic, but even metal products, with a long time, finally in sight, it is easy to leave marks on the body, sometimes careless, perhaps even falling on the ground, smashed a.
  If the phone can configure the appropriate phone shell, despite the appearance of some of the increase in thickness, but the mobile phone anti-collision bump or good, is better than not accidentally fall to the ground, knocking the phone screen cracked after the situation much better.
  3, do not use bad data line
  Now charging cable, basic cable tier one, data line phone charging is also one of the essential bridge, but if by the poor quality of the data lines, there is a risk for injury phone batteries, electrical accessories for cell phones is not good.
  Now mobile phones are basically non-removal of the battery, replace the battery trouble, so when buying data lines, try not freeloaders, should buy big brands, relatively safe, the phone also can play a protective effect.

  Well, today introduced three kinds of ways to extend the life of your phone. Welcome attention to my blog, I will periodically update some little knowledge about the conservation of the phone, so you better use your own mobile phone!
phone lcd screen

3 iphone wrong habits, bad things!

  For iphone users, some of his habits mistakes in life, but it hurt the mobile phone life. Therefore, to develop good habits of mobile phone use, really necessary, it also indirectly played a role in saving money. Moreover, such an expensive phone is iphone, but was spared the job. So in the use iphone, consumers generally use what are wrong habits? Here's to learn to understand!
  3 iphone wrong habits, bad things!
  1, the charging play phone
  Game console, video control, microblogging control? Power is not enough? Well, while red while playing! Do not do this anymore, playing the occasional emergency when the charge will also be long-term so easily lead to shorter battery life, cpu long-term high-load operation, will accelerate the aging of mobile phone parts, it will likely lead to data from cable and phone plug damage!
  2, with metal protective shell
  Protective metal shell / Border bring very beautiful, and impact, and many people choose to protect the metal shell will consider, not knowing the metal enclosure may result in your device easily lead to bad signal, transmit and receive power, power consumption increases; some interpolation board leakage, when charging the phone may feel numb hands. As part of the metal shell while relatively poor workmanship, poor fit, cause the phone Diaoqi serious.
  3. Long-term use of computers, mobile power to charge the phone
  Due to computer USB voltage instability, long-term use can damage the battery usb charging, the battery is easy to drum up; frequent use of mobile power charger, mobile power some poor workmanship, long-term use voltage instability will likely lead to cell damage, and even a security risk . If a non-mobile power to buy, have bought the reputation of the job.

  The above three errors iphone habits, can be described as many users in their daily lives are often committed. Therefore, I read the above introduction, on their own, in everyday life, you have time to pay attention.


Teach you three practical iphone tips!Really good

  For every iphone users, in use process, often will appear this or that problem!So in so many problems, tend to have some problems is our own, can easily solve the don’t need expensive time-consuming, to sell later.Here let me teach you three practical iphone tips, believe in yourself in life have a greater chance of will.
  Teach you three practical iphone tips!Really good
  A break-up, screen
  Will inevitably be in the process of using the iphone, fell on the ground, and then the tragedy, the landing position without, screen direct heroic sacrifice, a little better is broken corner, you can also use, solemn and stirring is full screen, mobile phone motherboard chip welding, bolt plate layer and beyond repair.Going to auction later in the screen, is it very expensive?!
  Tip: in fact the iphone lcd screen is not so expensive, now there are many online stores to sell, we can to buy a mobile phone screen can control themselves) (price, quality, and then manually change the screen (in screen video many online, method is simple, you can Google it), so that we can cut down the cost of repair, improve the quality of the screen!
  Special note: if your iphone often fall, it is necessary to wear a set of one’s own mobile phone!
  Second, the touch screen failure
  Iphone touch screen in use process, did not respond to this kind of phenomenon, is also very common.This happens, if not be you a bump on the unfortunate, that is the software you are using suddenly stuck!That how to do?Let it have card?If need to go to the repair shop?
  Tip: this doesn’t need to go to the repair shop, the first thing you want to do is press the boot button and Home button at the same time, until the phone restart screen displays the apple logo, loosen the two button, wait for boot screen after test.
  Third, no signal
  Many people have met, you suddenly no signal under normal use, what should we do?The premise is unlocked machine (except lock machine).
  1, flight mode is the universal model, equivalent to turn it off!When your phone network is not good, open flight mode, and then closed, can solve.
  2, at last you can turn to a flash or upgrade system, flat brush or firmware upgrade to the latest system can be, if not update, then download iTunes, and then begin to flash operation.Small make up also can only help you here!

  Through the above introduction, feel these functions are used?For you, if you meet these situations in life, will hinder according to do, believe that will be useful to you.

Apple forced to rip off any mobile phone can achieve a pressure sensor

  Despite the pressure sensing operation later released on iPhone 6s and did not lead to particularly profound change, but Apple this innovation is still too difficult because few manufacturers to follow. But now an invention from the University of Michigan allows any smartphone can spend pressure sensing operation, you just need to install a piece of software, rather than like the iPhone screen to add a layer of the sensor.

  IPhone and complicated process compared to the University of Michigan this invention only requires different mobile phone parts (all phones have) - a microphone and speakers. The software will let the phone continue to issue 18kHz frequency sound waves, which frequency sound waves but the human ear can not distinguish microphone can be no obstacle detected. When the user presses the screen with a finger, a slight change in tone, the tone changed when the magnitude of the weight becomes large, and this time the microphone will pick up the appropriate voice, and use software to convert the instruction. In this way you can simulate the weight of the screen or tap the user, in order to make pressure-sensitive screen and the same reaction.


iphone worth this much money? I see the value!

  Many people believe that iphone is too expensive, not worth the price! They say this basis that the third party by reference dismantling company data discovery, iphone part of the total cost of less than $ 200, while iphone6 ​​up to $ 650 price, this is profiteering. And every time I see these people's comments, they simply could not help feeling stupid!
  iphone worth this much money? I see the value!
  Yes! iphone part of the total price is less than $ 200, but this is only the cost of materials. iphone real costs but also include logistics costs, research and development costs, software development costs, etc., which add up to just $ 200.
  Moreover, more and more Android phones, easily reached with the iphone price the same price, and can provide users with unparalleled experience iphone, why not worth the price?
  In addition, we have to recognize the fact that the iphone price is extremely stable, substantially after new phones a year, the price is almost untouched. The comparably priced Android phones, often several months after the listing, the price will be significantly, which will undoubtedly make the consumer losing money. It can be said, iphone is the best preserved of the phone!

  More importantly, iphone fluid system, safe and reliable application, exquisite design, the forefront of cutting-edge technology, all Android phones can not match! Thus, iphone should be value priced!
iphone worth


Smartphones four most practical innovation function, your mobile phone have?

  Smartphone is developing rapidly, various high-tech emerge in endlessly, for our life and work provides great convenience.So there are so many smartphone innovation function, innovation is our most useful?Himself was summarized below 4 points in the most practical innovation function, everyone take a look at me, right!
  Smartphones four most practical innovation function, your mobile phone have?
  Top 1, fingerprint identification
  The birth of the fingerprint identification technology, makes the security of the mobile phone to a new height.Since the iphone 5 s application of fingerprint identification so far all flagship model, almost all equipped with the technology, at the same time, the fingerprint recognition application is becoming more and more widely, such as pay, to the software lock and so on.
  Top 2, wireless quick charge technology
  Different from traditional way of charging the mobile phone, wireless the birth of quick charge technology not only makes mobile phones can cast off the yoke of the charging line, also can realize the quick charge in a relatively short period of time.Currently, more and more Android flagship model has also started to pick up this technology in the mobile phone, relative to the IOS, this is one of the advantages of the Android system.
  Top 3, high clearly the size of the screen
  Relative to the above two functions, high-definition screen experience more intuitive, under the lead of samsung, makes the big screen mobile phone in popularity in recent years, and even affected the mighty apple, it has been proved that the phone's screen size adjusted iphone success after launch.With the development of the 4 k screen and VR, the future smart phones will bring more rich experience for users.
  The Top four, high megapixel camera
  As iterative upgrade hardware and system algorithm optimization, today's smartphones photo function is very powerful, such as optical image stabilization, shooting, double flash light etc, to a certain extent, smartphone really replaced the SLR cameras, take everyday go out shopping, must have a lot of users are more willing to use camera phones directly.

  Believe that the most intelligent mobile phone already have these new features, our life and work also must follow.


Do you know why the hot phones Android phones more you use the card?

  For many Android mobile phone users have a feeling that the more you use your phone card. You know, many Android mobile phone users of mobile phone parts, but the configuration of high, but their own in use for some time, but their new machine than the old card to the iphone, is this why? The reason why Android phones will cause the more you use the card, that these four factors caused.
  Do you know why Android phones more with the card?
  First, the push mechanism
  Your phone will often be a lot of push messages, right? A turn on the phone often notice all sorts of news, right? Why push message will cause the phone Caton it? That is because Andrews push mechanism caused.
  Unlike ios, ios on an app if you want to push the message, it needs to send information to the server via Apple's cloud and then push from the cloud to your phone. In this process, app will not start.
  In Android handsets, when push message will launch the APP and the background even with wake a series of related app. Upon receiving the same message, ios has not started a while Android app here all the procedures have been started with as a state.
  Thus, although the configuration of your Android mobile phone parts and then high, but the app also been bombarded. Of course, this problem can be solved by turning off the push message. You can try!
  Second, the application permissions
  You did not find hair Andrews app, request permission to phone a little over .....
  Social software to get video, pictures, information does not matter what position, so some video software request these permissions doing play? You say you agree with these rights, you do not have to see where to use these, these requests are doing? ! The most annoying is that once you do not agree, directly on the flash back! Do you think you have a problem, phone, in fact, is playing in the app How about you!
  Third, the ubiquitous software trap
  More than push message and application permissions, and often appear somehow you do not know where's the software, you are not mad too often for this? !
  Fourth, through the mobile browser
  You download the app in the browser when there is not met: normal download, download speed, such options? If you choose to download a high-speed, perhaps on your desktop will be more of a store application icon!

  Of course, with the continuous development of the Andrew system, I believe that the gap between it and ios system will become increasingly smaller, and believe it will become more fluid, thus effectively solve this problem Caton.
Android phones


Why the iphone camera pixels is not high, but better camera?

  Many people wondered, iphone camera pixels is only 8 million, but many android flagship phone at twenty million, thirty million pixels, but compared to real, is the quality of the iphone's photos is often better, is this why?
  Professional website, mobile phone parts - YDT - parts of the experts said: the user must first have such an understanding, that is photo imaging results, is not only determined by the pixel, it is affected by multiple factors.Such as lens, sensor, a processor, algorithms and other factors.Is just like a watch is very strong, its coordination and explosive force is strong, not the human body must be coordination and balance is the aesthetic feeling.
  1, lens sharpness, contrast, color, distortion, dispersion, a variety of factors such as glare, have a very important impact on the imaging results.
  2, sensors.Pixel size and distribution) on the (here pixel sensor, calorific value, sensory acuity, dynamic range and other indicators affect the final image result.(in terms of the number of pixel sensor is an indicator)
  3, the processor and algorithm.This section contains the metering, white balance and noise reduction daub, sharpening and saturation adjustment and so on all kinds of digital post-processing.

  Iphone camera effect is better, therefore, is to do in these aspects, and a good balance, therefore, even if the iphone camera configuration is not too high, but can still shoot the footage of the perfect.
iphone camera


Why do we prefer the big-screen phone?

  With Apple released a small 4-inch screen mobile phone -iphone SE, a small screen on the phone is good or big-screen good controversy, once again become the focus of discussion. However, after extensive investigation, we found that with respect to the small screen phone, consumers tend to buy large-screen mobile phone. Why do we prefer the big-screen phone? Here we talk together!
  1, the bigger the screen, the more cool Perspective
  As the necessities of life, the phone is no longer a simple phone call, send text messages, and it has become a watch videos, play games, and sent the preferred time. If you are around someone with 4 inches phone can be used to do some comparison, you will find a large-screen mobile phone with them Gengshuang.
  2, the bigger the screen, the stronger endurance
  Big screen, battery life is weak is a common perception of most people, the current large-screen mobile phone are gradually break the routine. Like iphone 6 plus lcd screen is very big, but extremely long battery life.
  3, large screen can be used as a mirror
  He walked toward the inside of the water you will subconsciously look, mainly to see their makeup appropriately. For Amy, the large-screen phone really had to choose a weapon. Without power, black is able to shine on the face of the whole picture, he opened the front camera, whether it is acne on the forehead, chin or acne are at a glance.
  4, large-screen mobile phone theft more

  With respect to the small screen phone, large-screen mobile phone thieves can avoid being targeted. Therefore, mobile big, small secretly inconvenient, naturally, large-screen mobile phone is even more secure.

iphone 6s necessary for the user to know the eight 3D Touch operating skills

  Iphone 6s being used for the user, the next phase will be built-in 3D Touch iphone lcd screen function is not familiar with the many features will not be used, which wasted no doubt Apple's sincerity. You know, 3D Touch this feature, but very powerful, is a black technology. Learn to use it, they will give their lives to bring great convenience. Then the following will give you a few tips on 3D Touch to use, take a look at look at it.
  iphone 6s necessary for the user to know the eight 3D Touch operating skills
  1. The most common contact
  Phone App strong open as shown by strong menu, you can see the first three contacts common contact list, you can edit a favorite contact to make this quick contact menu become a good helper.
  2. Rapid Self
  Strong press the camera icon to open the strong press menu, select "Self", it will directly open the front lens.
  3. The home destination inquiry
  App icon on the map by a strong menu select "home line", can directly open the map App Find routes to ensure that you can accurately home.
  4. Email Preview
  In the e-mail App strong press (Peek) to preview any message, without directly open, strong among the press and then (Pop) can open mail directly.
  5. View post group members
  Use iMessage users can see a list of group members in the list of posts by post App strong image.
  6. The keyboard can also control the "Index"
  Strong preset by iOS virtual keyboard when typing, the keyboard will disappear, then continue to press hard real screen, move your finger, the text index will move accordingly.
  7. Update all applications
  In App Store Strong press menu click "Update All", you can open the App Store for Free updates for all applications, pay attention to the updated application is limited to countries where the App Store is also available.
  8. Browse Live Photos
  Unlike the iPhone SE, the iPhone 6s, just use 3D Touch of Peek and Pop in real photographed Live Photos, you can view Live Photos 1 second, "the movie."

  Above this 8 is about 3D Touch features a small utility for users who wish to try in daily life, I believe will give their lives to bring great convenience, so that their own love of a function !


You know what most people like to buy iPhone?

  Apple iphone as the most successful mobile settings, has been sold in the global 1 billion can be said is the world's most popular smart phones. So for iphone, there are many interesting investigations, one of which is about what people prefer to buy iphone? Here we take a look at:
  As a leading industry in the development of science and technology people, IT people have always been very fond of Apple products, especially in San Francisco and New York area. Among them, San Francisco, 80% of IT staff choose the iOS device, but in areas such as Phoenix and Detroit, these scientists are not concentrated urban, consumers using Android devices some more.
  However, the market research firm Slice Intelligence recent survey results appear with Crittercism is somewhat different. Slice Intelligence survey found that Apple products in the United States on the highest consumer spending are over 65 years of age. And from October 2014 to September 2015 period, this part of the population average spending on Apple devices reached $ 976, higher than the national average of $ 788.
  The survey also found that consumers spend on Apple products in the same age also showed a proportional relationship, perhaps because older consumers more disposable income due. In terms of gender, male consumers spend on Apple products as compared to female consumers much higher. Among them, the average male consumer spending on iOS device for $ 897, female consumers only $ 633. Moreover, among women aged 18-24 in consumer spending in this area is less.
  Slice Intelligence said that the reason why consumer spending on older Apple products may be higher with their Apple products using the curve in the second half of positional. Specifically, that is, consumers of this group may be the first to purchase Apple products, they buy Apple products or just give it away for nothing. Survey data also showed that older consumers is the iPad's biggest consumer groups and consumers between 25-34 years old are the biggest buyers of the iPhone and Mac.
  Also according to an independent survey showed that about half of iPhone buyers will continue to buy Apple products, or buy an iPhone again. The survey also showed far greater than the appeal of Apple products, Samsung, Samsung because the former attract users to switch to the number of iOS camp is contrary triple huge.
  Read the above this investigation, is not feeling very interesting?

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