
To prevent the iPhone LCD screen broken screen 7 practical methods

  LCD screen as the most expensive iphone parts, but also the most vulnerable one, for its protection, really important. Then the following to teach iphone users how to protect the iphone's LCD screen? To avoid the occurrence of broken screen phenomenon?
  To prevent the iPhone LCD screen broken screen 7 practical methods
  1. Do not sleep too close from the phone
  Many people like to lie in bed to play mobile phones, but you have to pay attention, when you decide to sleep on the best mobile phone aside, do not get too close, do not put under the pillow.
  2. Do not put the phone and other hard objects together with the key
  Do not the phone with the keys, all kinds of cards installed in a pocket, so that the cards and mobile phones are not good. The key is very hard, not easy to draw a bad iphone LCD screen. Even if your screen is the gorilla N-generation glass will also draw.
  3. Keep your phone away from rain and fog
  So that mobile phones away from rain, fog, so the iphone LCD screen and the chip is not good.
  4. Keep away from oil and sweat and other conductive media
  Iphone LCD screen is afraid of oil and sweat and other conductive media, will make the phone screen does not respond to touch or screen drift, it should be dry as soon as possible.
  5. Avoid contact with magnetic objects
  Try to avoid the phone and speakers or other items with magnetic close contact. A long time will cause permanent failure.
  6. Clean the screen with a detergent
  Clean the screen with a cleanser from time to time to prevent dust from entering the phone. This will also make your screen clearer.
  7. Timing detection maintenance
  Timing detection and maintenance, only the daily maintenance, so that the phone can be used longer.

  The above seven methods is for the iphone LCD screen protection details, it is recommended that users follow these recommendations to do, then you can better prevent their mobile phone screen shredding phenomenon.
iPhone LCD screen

