
Iphone 6 water the right way is what? Together to find out!

  Mobile phone water this phenomenon, I believe that many users will encounter. Then when their iphone 6 water, some users fishing out of the phone after thinking whether the normal boot, there are some friends in the iphone 6 after the water into the sealed bag with rice, place a few days. In fact, these practices are wrong, or even fatal practice. Mobile phone in the boot state of water, good luck may be just a positive line short circuit, this failure is not reflected in the boot, the iphone 6 parts damage is small; and bad luck will cause other lines short circuit until the battery consumption Exhausted. When you encounter water when the phone needs to shut down immediately, boot longer, the more serious damage, or even impossible to repair.
  So iphone 6 water the right way is what?
  Preferred program: the water iphone 6 first press the Home button, if the screen is off is basically off; if the screen is lit, then immediately shut down, shut down as soon as possible after the repair. So you can minimize the extent of damage to the phone.
  Alternative: If the phone appears in the evening water, it is machine maintenance business time to stop business. Although the phone can not be sent to maintenance, but it can not "sit still." Must first shut down, if you can not shut down, you should find ways to power off the phone (remove the battery, etc.). Secondly, the surface of the water mobile phone dry, and then use the centrifugal force inside the phone as much as possible to throw out the water. Thrown after the hair dryer can go into battle. Blowing time must let the hair dryer and mobile phone distance, to avoid cell phone damage; blowing the main location focused on the hole location. After some treatment is still not a good time to boot, you need a patient enough to dry the process. Waiting for the next day to repair mobile phone repair shop.

  From the entire process we are not difficult to find, iphone 6 in the water but no power of this time is the highest risk factor. As long as properly handle this step, timely power, then the back of things much simpler. So iphone 6 fell into the water at the beginning do not be impatient, do not rush to verify the quality of the phone should be shut down to repair.
Iphone 6 water

