
Iphone 6 LCD screen fragmentation of the most cost-effective solution, together to understand!

   Iphone 6 LCD screen fragmentation This phenomenon is very common, I believe there are many users will encounter. Then we have to know that the mobile phone screen is broken due to mobile hard ground caused by a lighter screen after the deformation of the shell fragmentation, but still able to use normal. Serious will lead to mobile phone motherboard chip Weld, and even broken board and can not be repaired. Then when their iphone 6 LCD screen should be broken how to solve it? In this regard, we work together to find out!
  Iphone 6 LCD screen fragmentation of the most cost-effective solution, together to understand!
  Solution: Now the electronic market selling mobile phone screen business a lot, if only the screen fragmentation, the user can completely replace the screen, this can save part of the cost, but also save part of the time. Of course, the most important point is that if your phone often drops, it is recommended to wear a soft phone to protect the class, so as not to cause unnecessary losses.

  If your hands-on ability is not strong, or to Apple's after-sales center to replace the screen now! This is also the most insurance!
Iphone 6 LCD screen

