
Android phones can make normal use of coup iphone headphones, collectors look!

  Many users have Android phones and iphone, I like the iphone headphones plugged into their Android phones, but some users will experience sound this phenomenon can not occur normally. This is how it happened? Is it because different phones, mobile phone parts using different specifications, and lead to incompatibilities it? of course not! Here to solve this problem, I will teach you a coup!
  Android phones can make normal use of coup iphone headphones, collectors look!
  We find a rubber band or a solid line, tied in the middle iPhone headset controller, so that among keys are pressed state;
  Then tie fixed, so that rubber band or wire is not easy to shake (best wrapped more tightly wrapped around a few times, make a knot, slippery or loose).
  After this treatment, the headphone plug Android phone, you will find that it can be used normally have a voice, but can not use the remote control functions!

  Well, the principle is not to say it, you can try it!

