
Two doubts Mobile, you really know?

  Use of mobile phones, many users often have this or that doubts, difficult to distinguish between true and false, that serious affect their experience. Therefore, the use of mobile phones for the two most common doubts, we will work together to learn to understand.
  Two doubts Mobile, you really know?
  1, the phone in the bedroom at night, okay?
  People do have a mobile phone signal radiation, the case does not shut down at night is best placed farther away from your distance, avoid hazards due to radiation. Let your smartphone away from the bedroom, help people work away from the psychological pressure, but also to help them distinguish between work and sleep and other physical rehabilitation activities.
  2, cell phone charger, please charge one night?
  Smart phones are generally charged two or three hours can be filled, and some people think that the phone can not charge all night, for fear that the charging time is too long, the phone battery will cause damage. Therefore, some people in the evening before going to bed to charge the phone, unplug the power in the middle of the night. There are people who think that there is no need, what will you charge the phone all night? Now mobile phones are used in lithium batteries, it did not we imagine so fragile, when the phone battery is fully charged, the charge will automatically cut off power supply to avoid overload of charge, so do not worry about the damage caused by the cell phone battery, do not re-midnight pull up the power. But attention must be using a regular charger.

  More on mobile phones is interesting practical knowledge, so far in this blog, focus attention, forward, favorites!
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