
These four smart phone, try not to buy

  For smart phone users to buy it, to get their money no white, there are five types of mobile phones, but can not buy. Which then has five types of smart phones can not buy it? Here we work together to understand something:
  These four smart phone, try not to buy
  First, low-cost mobile phone
  Compared to high-end smart phones, cheap mobile phones on many experience is relatively poor, for instance, some not fast charge, some weight is too heavy, the screen is not good, these are not easy to find, but it is indeed a real impact experience. And high-end mobile phone is different, whether it is high-end phones on the internal quality of mobile phone parts, on the system, the services are very secure, allowing users to better experience the fun of high-end phones, richer use experience!
  Second, the old process processor
  Many processors are 28nm manufacturing process, or 20nm, is now relatively old, the current mainstream smart phone processors are generally used in 16nm, 14nm.
  Also buy a hot and slow CPU? It can be expected next year in respect of 10nm products out there, so as to prevent your phone immediately out of date, or choose a processor using the latest technology smart phone now!
  Three, 2GB phone memory
  Smart phones are now basically standard 3GB of memory on, but there are a lot of phone you use a 2GB, then make a shocking price, but in fact, after all, care about those three, very small $ 40 to consumers, but manufacturers mislead consumers that buy 2GB of memory is enough.
  Fourth, the cost-effective mobile
  As the saying goes, you pay for! Cost-effective mobile phones, through enhanced memory and storage space, the mobile phone manufacturing excellent impression, in fact, not. Phone needs to signal the need endurance, need to screen, need to take pictures, you need to charge them, cost-effective mobile may be blurred mention and not very detailed.

  Well, that is not recommended for these four types of smart phone users to buy, users can reference this!
smart phone

