
4 Solution phone power fast, want to know? !

  In daily life, many users will find their mobile phone power faster this phenomenon occurs, serious impact on their own experience. Then the mobile phone power faster this case, not a big deal, it can easily solve. So Here's to teach you a few can easily solve the phenomenon of cell phone battery power faster:
  4 Solution phone power fast, want to know? !
  1, mobile phone battery, it is recommended to use the original data cable and charger;
  2, less than 15% cell phone battery will start charging to protect the battery storage capacity;
  3, the appropriate dimming the screen, you can greatly save power;
  4, mobile power exceptionally fast, even drum kits are signs that this situation is likely to damage the battery, and repair and replacement have to get out of the job.
  In addition, to remind the user is to try not to play while charging the phone!

  This is because the phone while playing side will charge the battery charge and discharge at the same time, can easily cause fever, short circuit, damage to internal parts of the phone, especially now that the weather is hot, but also lead to the risk of spontaneous combustion of the phone, this is not a joke.
phone power fast

