
iPhone 6 Plus is worth 5 reasons you buy

  iphone 6 plus as Apple launched the first 5.5 inches large screen mobile phone, by the attention of many users. Although listed almost a year and a half, it is still very hot. Then iphone 6 plus exactly what advantage? Why is it worth the user to buy it? In this regard, we take a good look!
  iPhone 6 Plus is worth 5 reasons you buy
  1, the screen size
  Obviously, because if you buy large-screen iPhone 6 Plus, you will not be disappointed. 5.5 inches 1080P full HD screen may sound better than the 2K Android flagship phone screen attractive, but iphone 6 plus the actual effect is very good, including accurate color, 401ppi pixel density and delicate, and so on. In fact, unless you use professional equipment testing, otherwise you will not feel it with 2K screen much gap.
  2, Performance
  Even iOS device is still only equipped with 1GB RAM memory to run, but thanks to the system characteristics and excellent optimization results, you will feel the iPhone 6 Plus to be more fluid than most flagship Android, iPhone 6 Plus is no exception.
  3, the camera
  iPhone series is clearly the world's most popular camera equipment that is easy to use, the image is outstanding, too dazzling variety of applications. Further, iphone 6 plus also supports optical image stabilization feature, therefore, in the low light shooting photos or video resolution to be better.
  4, the battery life
  When adapted to a larger screen, the Apple iPhone 6 Plus will also enhance the capacity of the battery to 2915 mA, in fact, this is much greater lift than the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus also makes practical use of time longer. Many have purchased the iPhone 6 Plus users can finally find a day without charge, and this is one of its major selling point.
  5, reasonable prices
  iphone 6 plus a year already on the market for many years, so there is a degree of price cut, for the user, this time to buy, certainly more cost-effective.

  Well, these five points is recommended users to buy iphone 6 plus why. Of course, if you are seeking more advanced features and better configuration of mobile phone parts, you can choose iphone 6s plus, as well as Apple's upcoming iphone 7 series.
iPhone 6 Plus

