
iPhone 6 Plus is worth 5 reasons you buy

  iphone 6 plus as Apple launched the first 5.5 inches large screen mobile phone, by the attention of many users. Although listed almost a year and a half, it is still very hot. Then iphone 6 plus exactly what advantage? Why is it worth the user to buy it? In this regard, we take a good look!
  iPhone 6 Plus is worth 5 reasons you buy
  1, the screen size
  Obviously, because if you buy large-screen iPhone 6 Plus, you will not be disappointed. 5.5 inches 1080P full HD screen may sound better than the 2K Android flagship phone screen attractive, but iphone 6 plus the actual effect is very good, including accurate color, 401ppi pixel density and delicate, and so on. In fact, unless you use professional equipment testing, otherwise you will not feel it with 2K screen much gap.
  2, Performance
  Even iOS device is still only equipped with 1GB RAM memory to run, but thanks to the system characteristics and excellent optimization results, you will feel the iPhone 6 Plus to be more fluid than most flagship Android, iPhone 6 Plus is no exception.
  3, the camera
  iPhone series is clearly the world's most popular camera equipment that is easy to use, the image is outstanding, too dazzling variety of applications. Further, iphone 6 plus also supports optical image stabilization feature, therefore, in the low light shooting photos or video resolution to be better.
  4, the battery life
  When adapted to a larger screen, the Apple iPhone 6 Plus will also enhance the capacity of the battery to 2915 mA, in fact, this is much greater lift than the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus also makes practical use of time longer. Many have purchased the iPhone 6 Plus users can finally find a day without charge, and this is one of its major selling point.
  5, reasonable prices
  iphone 6 plus a year already on the market for many years, so there is a degree of price cut, for the user, this time to buy, certainly more cost-effective.

  Well, these five points is recommended users to buy iphone 6 plus why. Of course, if you are seeking more advanced features and better configuration of mobile phone parts, you can choose iphone 6s plus, as well as Apple's upcoming iphone 7 series.
iPhone 6 Plus


iphone 6 will not turn on how to solve?

   Using iphone 6 users, but there are many, some of which have iphone will not turn 6 encounter this phenomenon. When the user uses this phenomenon is a problem, how to deal with it? Do not worry! Here's to teach you how to solve iphone 6 will not turn on?
  Recommends first iphone 6 electric charge 10 minutes, if it is determined not run out of power, then consider a software problem, if not resolve, it should be iphone 6 internal parts cause a problem;
  If it is a software problem, then you can consider the recovery iPhone. Into recovery mode: After the shutdown button while holding down the iPhone and the top of the HOME key 10 seconds, and so dark under the iPhone screen, release the top OFF button, continue to hold the HOME button until the iTunes connection screen on the iPhone screen, into recovery mode. Put the iPhone into recovery mode connected to the computer, iTunes will automatically detect there is a recovery mode iPhone, this time hold down the shift key on your computer and then click "Update."

  If the iphone 6 parts problem, Apple would need to get the subject to sale seized it.
iphone 6


Resolve iphone 6 small Fever five practical method

  iphone 6 heat in the course of this phenomenon, I believe that many users often encounter. So this phenomenon fever iphone 6, iphone 6 internal parts can damage it? It will bring the seriousness of the consequences? Do not worry! Of course, it will not bring any serious consequences. However, iphone 6 fever phenomenon, in the summer does make the user feel uncomfortable. So how to fix iphone 6 heat such a phenomenon? Here's to teach you a few ways to solve this phenomenon:
  Resolve iphone 6 small Fever five practical method
  1, if the iphone 6 installed protective cover, then put the phone taken out from the protective cover helps cool the iPhone 6.
  2, reduce the use of iPhone 6 playing time, playing games is the most expensive mobile processor, so inevitably produce heat.
  3, close the GPS. GPS iPhone 6 is designed to let heat one culprit, power consumption is also a major culprit, it is best to close.
  4, to avoid playing phone while charging. Heat phones generally by the handset battery and the processor sends out, if play while charging the phone, it may be the iPhone 6 degree rise in fever. In addition, it will damage the battery.
  5, try to avoid high-temperature environments (such as exposure of the car) using the iPhone 6.

  Well, if your iphone 6 also fever phenomenon, then you may wish to do according to these five areas.
iphone 6 heat


iPhone6 ​​/ 6s prompt does not support this accessory charge three reasons

  Many iphone6 ​​/ 6s user while charging the phone, the phone displays often encounter this accessory is not supported by this phenomenon, so suspect the problem is their own line of data. So exactly how to solve this problem? Here we take a look at the analysis of the problem, and the corresponding solutions.
  iPhone6 ​​/ 6s charging display does not support this accessory Reason 3
  1, the data line problem occurred cottage probability is very high, generally upgrade to the new system could lead to such a prompt, proposed to replace genuine original data cable. You know, with the cottage but will damage the battery cable, and other iphone parts. In this regard, but we must pay attention to their own.
  2, the data line is bad, just access the data line prompt, it is recommended to see whether the data line Goldfinger dirt, and then view the phone plug (data strobe jack) for dirt, clean with alcohol swab.
  3, with the emergence of the computer chassis front USB charging This prompt usually lead to insufficient power supply, please plug in the back of the chassis, or with the charger.

  In general, if the user's iphone 6 / 6s charging display does not support this accessory this phenomenon, according to the above-mentioned three methods do, can solve all out!

[Tips] iphone battery small four reasons

  iphone battery life has been criticized by users, this is easy because the iphone battery is small, it could not help a lot of users are very puzzled: as so fundamental, so important iphone parts, iphone battery Why so small? Apple iphone why not give it to install a large capacity battery? To answer this question a user, we take a look at Apple's iphone does not give reason to install a large capacity battery.
  iphone battery small four reasons
  First, industrial design requirements, and now smart phones are slim to development! Of course the phone book will do sacrifice, the first sacrifice is the batteries.
  Two, IOS optimized, after all, compared to IOS or Android in particular saving for.
  Third, low-power CPU, the CPU is not like Apple Qualcomm CPU is the same as the power-hungry.
  Fourth, no matter how much the smartphone battery can not avoid a full day, the user has a habit! In battery technology is not new breakthrough before the light increases the battery is useless.

  These are the reasons Apple does not give iphone to install a large capacity of the battery. Have you clearly understand it? !
iphone battery


iphone can be charged overnight electricity?

  iphone can be charged overnight electricity? The answer is yes! Many users fear iphone charging electric night, will reduce battery life, in fact, often before going to sleep to unplug the iphone.
  Here, I want to tell the user is in fact not necessary. Now smart phones are used in lithium batteries, which due to the power management features. It is also said that when the iphone battery is fully charged, it will automatically power off to protect the battery, avoid overcharging the same time, prevent the internal parts of the phone being damaged.

  Thus, iphone fully charged overnight electricity.
iphone battery


Two doubts Mobile, you really know?

  Use of mobile phones, many users often have this or that doubts, difficult to distinguish between true and false, that serious affect their experience. Therefore, the use of mobile phones for the two most common doubts, we will work together to learn to understand.
  Two doubts Mobile, you really know?
  1, the phone in the bedroom at night, okay?
  People do have a mobile phone signal radiation, the case does not shut down at night is best placed farther away from your distance, avoid hazards due to radiation. Let your smartphone away from the bedroom, help people work away from the psychological pressure, but also to help them distinguish between work and sleep and other physical rehabilitation activities.
  2, cell phone charger, please charge one night?
  Smart phones are generally charged two or three hours can be filled, and some people think that the phone can not charge all night, for fear that the charging time is too long, the phone battery will cause damage. Therefore, some people in the evening before going to bed to charge the phone, unplug the power in the middle of the night. There are people who think that there is no need, what will you charge the phone all night? Now mobile phones are used in lithium batteries, it did not we imagine so fragile, when the phone battery is fully charged, the charge will automatically cut off power supply to avoid overload of charge, so do not worry about the damage caused by the cell phone battery, do not re-midnight pull up the power. But attention must be using a regular charger.

  More on mobile phones is interesting practical knowledge, so far in this blog, focus attention, forward, favorites!
mobile phones

4 Solution phone power fast, want to know? !

  In daily life, many users will find their mobile phone power faster this phenomenon occurs, serious impact on their own experience. Then the mobile phone power faster this case, not a big deal, it can easily solve. So Here's to teach you a few can easily solve the phenomenon of cell phone battery power faster:
  4 Solution phone power fast, want to know? !
  1, mobile phone battery, it is recommended to use the original data cable and charger;
  2, less than 15% cell phone battery will start charging to protect the battery storage capacity;
  3, the appropriate dimming the screen, you can greatly save power;
  4, mobile power exceptionally fast, even drum kits are signs that this situation is likely to damage the battery, and repair and replacement have to get out of the job.
  In addition, to remind the user is to try not to play while charging the phone!

  This is because the phone while playing side will charge the battery charge and discharge at the same time, can easily cause fever, short circuit, damage to internal parts of the phone, especially now that the weather is hot, but also lead to the risk of spontaneous combustion of the phone, this is not a joke.
phone power fast


Charging the phone Step annoying! What is a good solution?

  Now the phone performance is growing, more and more big screen, followed by the phone battery is less and less durable, and many users have a full day, two full day, even those who use mobile phones frequently have three times a day charge, four charge! This situation exists, no doubt seriously affect the user's normal experience. Given the current battery technology and no significant progress, the user, to get their mobile phone battery is more durable, the only from oneself. Here's to teach you a few can make cell phone batteries more durable good habits:
  Charging the phone Step annoying! What is a good solution?
  1, the phone is fully charged the charger to unplug it!
  Fearing the phone battery died, so let the phone all the time in charge? Do not do it! Because when the phone battery is charged to 100%, and the phone will automatically use less current to charge, so will keep the battery at a high pressure state lithium battery life will be consumed over time.
  When the phone is fully charged, unplug the charger respect; a bit like after the high pressure to relax the muscles of the concept of motion; high-pressure sports person if continued for several hours, and will eventually elastic fatigue, the battery is also the same reason.
  2, do not charge to charge 100% the best!
  In fact, the phone does not need to charge the lithium battery to full charge, which would give the high-voltage battery damage, and loss of battery life.
  That going to help them? In fact, as long as when you need to charge enough, do not need to fully charge to 100%. Also, try not to use the mobile phone recharge fully discharged, because now the phone is equipped with lithium-ion batteries, has no memory effect older nickel-cadmium batteries, if not completely put before charging it, it would hurt the chemical activity of lithium ion battery inside.
  3, can be charged to charge!
  In fact, the best practice is to phone one day after another charged inland, almost no power when not used again filled. Phone battery is reduced by 10% on an electric charge is the best, but in such a way for most people may not be very easy, after all, no one will look at all the time staring at the phone, at any time around it will not be charging socket .
  So the best way is, in the day when charging the phone on the charge to help look after the charge to a certain extent and then pulled out, so that the cell phone battery is the best way.
  4, do not let the phone burns!
  Do not let the phone if it is because a high fever caused by excessive use of mobile phones are often hot, it is necessary to be careful because of the high temperature for the battery life had a big impact;!! If it is found charging the phone becomes hot, it should quickly unplug the charger, and Suspension and turn off the screen; if you use the iPhone, you can choose to open the low power mode will help cool down the phone.
  Also, please do not put the phone in direct sunlight, it could cause the lithium battery overheating or fire possible.

  Well, these four methods for enhancing the cell phone battery life, but helpful, you can do a follow suit!
phone battery

iphone leader in critical: human

  Buy smart phones, in addition to the phone's work, hardware specifications, the user experience should be the most important factor. And this is exactly iphone Android phones leading the key! This is also why, despite the iphone internal parts of the configuration is better Android phones, but still is the most important factor in a user-friendly mobile phone!
  iphone leader in critical: human

  Compared to Android mobile phones, iPhone, and iOS on the user experience is still significantly ahead; iOS system is very simple, and yet very powerful. Closely integrated within the device as well as a more exclusive service plus iOS user experience, such as FaceTime and other App provides great consistency; and information, they can quickly switch between different iPhone, if iPad, MacBook, etc. other products and better enjoy this convenience.


These four smart phone, try not to buy

  For smart phone users to buy it, to get their money no white, there are five types of mobile phones, but can not buy. Which then has five types of smart phones can not buy it? Here we work together to understand something:
  These four smart phone, try not to buy
  First, low-cost mobile phone
  Compared to high-end smart phones, cheap mobile phones on many experience is relatively poor, for instance, some not fast charge, some weight is too heavy, the screen is not good, these are not easy to find, but it is indeed a real impact experience. And high-end mobile phone is different, whether it is high-end phones on the internal quality of mobile phone parts, on the system, the services are very secure, allowing users to better experience the fun of high-end phones, richer use experience!
  Second, the old process processor
  Many processors are 28nm manufacturing process, or 20nm, is now relatively old, the current mainstream smart phone processors are generally used in 16nm, 14nm.
  Also buy a hot and slow CPU? It can be expected next year in respect of 10nm products out there, so as to prevent your phone immediately out of date, or choose a processor using the latest technology smart phone now!
  Three, 2GB phone memory
  Smart phones are now basically standard 3GB of memory on, but there are a lot of phone you use a 2GB, then make a shocking price, but in fact, after all, care about those three, very small $ 40 to consumers, but manufacturers mislead consumers that buy 2GB of memory is enough.
  Fourth, the cost-effective mobile
  As the saying goes, you pay for! Cost-effective mobile phones, through enhanced memory and storage space, the mobile phone manufacturing excellent impression, in fact, not. Phone needs to signal the need endurance, need to screen, need to take pictures, you need to charge them, cost-effective mobile may be blurred mention and not very detailed.

  Well, that is not recommended for these four types of smart phone users to buy, users can reference this!
smart phone


"Must see" troubleshooting phone six practical method

  Smartphones as our daily life is the most frequently used tools, inevitably there will be a small problem, small problems.So for these small problems, we can repair itself, there is no need to mobile phone repair shop to deal with.Here is to introduce six practical solution to mobile phone fault, for users, as long as the mobile phone parts without damage, is can do!
  1, unable to send text messages
  The possible reasons: the SMS center number error.
  Processing method: open information, click the virtual menu, in turn, click "Settings" - "short message service center", set the SMS center number to the local network operators to the SMS center number.
  2, touch screen is ineffective
  The possible reasons: the original charger cause voltage instability;Screen protection film cause;Electrostatic cause;The system software;Cell phones are ROOT, etc.
  Methods: replace the original charger,Tear protective film;According to the two switch can release of static electricity;Backup data after the restore factory Settings;Upgrade to the latest version of the system.
  If the above methods are not, consider to repair again.
  3, freezes
  The possible reasons: the background program is too much, too much occupied memory;In the mobile phone virus;Too much or too much installed APP store data.
  Processing method: shut down part of the running in the background;Install antivirus security software;The APP uninstall some not commonly used to remove no photos etc, also part of the software can be transferred to memory card.
  4, automatic shutdown
  The possible reasons: the battery contact or battery connector oxidation;Static electricity;The battery is low.
  Methods: use the eraser or swab to wipe test battery connection;Keep the phone clean, or mobile phone sleeve;If due to insufficient power shutdown, charging.
  5, the fuselage fever or hot
  Possible reasons: the background program too much;When charging the use of mobile phones;Play for too long.
  Methods: close the daemon, as far as possible avoid charging phone calls, play games for a long time.
  6, power consumption is fast, standby time is short
  The possible reasons: the background program more;The screen brightness is higher;Always open the bluetooth, GPS, WIFI, etc.
  Methods: close the background applications;The screen brightness appropriate revise.When not in use, shut off the bluetooth, GPS, WIFI or data connection, etc.

  Ok, these six methods to solve the problem of some of the smartphone is really helpful.In daily life, can according to do it myself.


iphone problems how to do it best?

  For users iphone problems, if the problem is software, you can choose to restore the factory settings to resolve.
  For iphone users is part of the problem, that nature must replace the corresponding parts. The replacement of the corresponding parts iphone, is often the most cost-effective solution to their own online purchase the appropriate parts to replace themselves.
  Own replace the damaged iphone parts, has two advantages: First, can save a lot of time, you know, go to Apple after-sales service centers, but often line up to make an appointment. Second, it could save money to buy their own respective iphone parts to replace, but the cost is often compared to Apple after-sales centers more than doubled.
  As for the replacement iphone parts of the tutorial, I would like to look at Google, what is clear.

  Of course, if your ability is not strong, it is best to choose to go to Apple after-sales center, or a regular mobile phone repair shop to replace it!
iphone parts


Parts damaged iphone can participate in Apple's official trade plan?

  Many users worry about the damaged parts of the iphone can not participate in Apple's official trade machine program! In fact, you need not worry that Apple is supported!
  Before the re-upgrade Apple iPhone trade-in program, available to the consumer LCD screen, camera, or damaged iPhone Home button replacement.


Teach you to easily solve smartphones often appear five fault

  Whether iphone user, or Android mobile phone users in the use of mobile phones, inevitably there will be some small problems. So for these minor problems arise, there is no need to maintain a mobile phone shop to solve, and that they can get. Therefore, today, to teach you to solve the most common smartphone five fault!
  Teach you to easily solve smartphones often appear five fault
  1, I can not send text messages
  Possible Cause: The message center number is incorrect.
  Solution: Open the message and click on the virtual menu button, then click "Setting" - "SMS service center", the SMS center number is set to the local network operator's message center number.
  2, the touch screen not working
  Possible causes: voltage instability caused by non-original charger; static electricity; software reasons; the phone is ROOT like.
  Solution: Replace the original charger; press twice to switch to discharge static electricity; after a good backup data restore factory settings; system upgrade to the latest version.
  If the above methods will not work, then consider a mobile phone LCD screen is broken reasons, then go to the maintenance shop for inspection.
  3, crash
  Possible Cause: Too many programs running in the background, taking up too much memory to run; phone virus; data stored or installed too much APP.
  Solution: Close the program running in the background section; installation
  Security software antivirus; unloading part is not commonly used APP, do not delete the photos and other information can also be part of the software is transferred to the memory card.
  4, automatic shutdown
  Possible cause: The battery contacts or the battery connector oxide; caused by static electricity; power is low.
  Approach: with a pencil eraser or a cotton swab, wipe the battery connections; keep the phone clean, or with a mobile phone sets; Ruoyin low battery shutdown recharge.
  5, body heat or hot
  Possible causes: too many background programs; use the phone while charging; playing the game for too long.
  Solution: Turn off background programs, try to avoid long phone calls, play games while charging.

  Well, that's smart phone users to use the process most frequently encountered fault here to teach you. In the future use, if you have similar problems, they would know how to solve.


Iphone broken screen to solve the phenomenon of the perfect solution, you know?

  For every user using the iphone, the love for their own machines are very cherished. However, in life, there will inevitably broken iphone screen phenomenon.
  Then when the iphone screen is broken, go to the Apple aftermarket to replace the screen, it is undoubtedly very expensive and a waste of time. So what better, more cost-effective solution? Of course!
  The most cost-effective way than their online purchase a screen, themselves replaced. So down, but the cost is often compared to Apple's sales center to replace the screen is not cheap to more than double. At the same time, in time, also less.
  Related tutorials and videos about iphone replacement LCD screen, there are a lot on the Internet, you can look for, according to the steps to do it!
  I own before changing their iphone6 LCD screen, it only took half an hour to be easy to get, it is really very simple.

  Of course, if your own ability is not strong, it is best to go to Apple after-sales center to replace the LCD screen it.
iphone LCD screen