
IPhone 7 home key bad how to do? Apple has to provide you with a good policy

  One of the changes in the iPhone 7 is the abolition of the long-established entity Home key, although from the appearance and there is no difference, but now the Home button has been unable to press. Apple to do so in addition to the phone with the ability to become more easily waterproof, but also greatly reduces the chance of Home key was broken.
  IPhone 7 home key bad how to do? Apple has to provide you with a good policy
  However, there are users of a doubt, if the Home key causes iPhone 7 failure can not be normal when the use of how to do it? Because the iOS 10 system to unlock the way has changed, Home key failure will result in the user can not unlock the phone, we can lock screen interface to the right slide out of the password input interface to unlock the phone, but now must press the Home button to unlock .
  Apple apparently has been aware of this, when the iPhone 7 home key accidental failure, the system will pop up a window prompts the user and automatically on the screen displays a virtual Home button.
  A user named iwayne recently shared a broken iPhone 7 home key system after the screenshot, the users said that his iPhone 7 suddenly automatically shut down when charging, restart the Home key after the failure, then the screen On the emergence of a Home key failure tips, probably the contents of the phone's Home key needs repair damage, while the bottom of the screen automatically appears a virtual Home key for temporary use by the user.

  No one can guarantee that the phone parts will not be damaged, but set aside some precautionary measures to allow users to minimize the impact, which is not only Apple to do, but also in fact, mobile phone manufacturers should do.
IPhone 7 home key

