
Two ways to protect the iphone 6 screen

Screen as iphone 6 parts in the most expensive price, but also the most vulnerable part, for its protection, it is necessary. Otherwise, when the iphone 6 screen is damaged, need to be replaced, will allow themselves to spend a large sum of money. Then the following to teach you how to protect the iphone 6 screen?
Two ways to protect the iphone 6 screen
1, put a small magnet on the screen, will soon be able to find a temporary failure of the capacitive screen, a long time will cause permanent failure. So try to avoid the phone and speakers or other magnetic items need to close contact.
2, iphone 6 screen afraid of high temperature, when the screen surface temperature reaches 40 degrees or so, it may drift phenomenon, long-term at such high temperatures, capacitive screen will reduce life expectancy.

The above is the user to protect the iphone 6 screen need to pay attention to two aspects, their own may wish to try to do one!
iphone 6 screen

