
Do you know why the iphone in the game better than Android do?

  Many netizens think the Android configuration is high, therefore, to play more games of memory, and CPU, Android phones tend to perform better, faster and better.So that really the case?
  , according to the report, released Gizmodo compared with Android, apple iPhone, the performance in the game to the results is raised.
  So why the iPhone in the aspect of the game better than Android?
  For the most part this is because the current mobile game picture frames are still remain at 30 FPS, part has reached 60 FPS game, it helps to boost smartphone battery life, but also means that no matter how strong your mobile processor, it is at best achieve 60 FPS.
  Even in the picture frames under the condition of upper limit of 60 FPS, most of the Android smartphone performance cannot be satisfactory.For example, in running the Lara Groft Go when the game, the samsung Galaxy S7 Edge picture frames for 44 FPS, LG G5 for 42 FPS, and only 44 new HTC 10 FPS.
  Hardware, by contrast, has reached the iPhone 6 s level of iPhone SE picture frames are reached 60 frames per second, is not the latest flagship iPhone 6 grade reached 59 FPS.

  So, despite the android mobile phone parts configuration is higher, the memory again big, the CPU is strong again, but compared to the iphone, is still not a rival.So why is this case?The root lies in the mobile games on iOS platform.Compared with android fragmentation problem, iOS developers don't need to worry about equipment fragmentation problem, only a handful of processors and screen size problems need to consider, therefore, in the development of the game, less cost and energy consumed.
mobile phone parts

